
Our wedding films consist of a pre-wedding session and the wedding day put together into one cinematic account. Our goal in our films is to unfold the unique love story behind every couple.


The wedding of Anita & Ryan


One of our most adventurous wedding films captured. Anita and Ryan’s wedding film was shot multiple locations, such as Orlando Airport and Downtown.


The wedding of Lindsay & Nick


A captivating story about family and a love that perseveres. Lindsay and Nick’s wedding was one of a kind. Shot in The Treasury in St. Augustine, and the pre-wedding was shot in Rollins College.


The wedding of Alayna & Matt


Shot in the majestic Bella Collina in Montverde FL. Alayna & Matt’s wedding was full of adventure and unforgettable romance.


The wedding of Erika & Javier


The heart warming love story of Erika & Javier. Shot in Orlando FL. We had a pre wedding session in Baldwin Park, and the wedding venues were Leu Gardens and The Veranda in Thornton Park. Their wedding was filled with romantic moments and beautiful scenery.


The wedding of Debora & Ryan


The beautiful and elegant wedding of Debora and Ryan. Shot in Bella Collina in Monteverde Florida. The pre-wedding session was also shot in Orlando International Airport, where Ryan works as a pilot. Upon meeting Debora & Ryan they had an innocent and charming connection, and they seemed like a classy couple. These very attributes is what shaped their wedding film.


The wedding of Jasmine & Harpaul


The adventurous wedding of Jasmine and Harpaul was shot in Cleveland Ohio. This was a two day wedding. The first day was dedicated to the Hindu wedding ceremony, which was a colorful and fun experience, full of dance and laughter. The second day Jasmine put on her white dress for a traditional wedding look, where we had a beautiful first look moment at the park.


The wedding of Ilse & Garrett


Filmed in Forever Florida in Saint Cloud. Ilse and Garrett met halfway around the world as they were seeking God. They ended up finding guidance for their life calling, and they also found each other. Garrett travelled back to the U.S. but their love held them faithfully together despite the distance. This is the beginning of a beautiful life together, with many great adventures serving the Lord.


The wedding of Siara & Ronny


Siara and Ronny were one of the first couples to venture with us on a pre-wedding session. They were bold and creative enough to go deep in the woods, where we found secret rivers and streams. They said they are used to going into the woods and seeing nature up close, that it reminds them of life in Puerto Rico. Siara and Ronny also decided to do a first look, where Siara walked downs the grand steps to be seen by Ronny in her dress for the first time, in what could be the most emotional first look moment we’ve captured. It was exiting to be a part of their beautiful wedding, which was shot in Kissimmee Florida.


The wedding of Jenifer & Andy


Jenifer and Andy’s wedding was the first Hindu wedding we captured. It was shot in Winter Garden Florida and it was a two day wedding. Andy is from Guyana and the first day was centered around the Hindu ceremony. Jenifer is Colombian and the second day was centered around a traditional wedding. In this film both days are gathered into one, combining their first look moment from both days, as well as the ceremonies. Their wedding had a special harmony, in spite of all the activities that take place in a Hindu wedding. It was also full of happiness and laughter.


The wedding of Meche & Turi


Meche or Mercedes and Turi was a very special wedding, as Meche has been a long time friend and partner of mine. She has an amazing photography and people skills. Meche and Turi were the daring couple who initiated our pre-wedding sessions, and opened the doors of opportunity and creativity for future weddings. Their story and personalities are complemented with their love for art, hers being photography, and his being music.

Do you like our wedding films? Contact us to begin talking about ideas for your film.

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